What Photographers Ought to Know About Microstock Photography

microstockPhotography can be a great hobby and a good way to earn some extra cash.  If you really are into photography and you have the talent for it, you can go on a journey of great personal fulfillment while earning your keep.  You need not be a photographer for big magazines and major dailies or put up your own photo studio to earn and pay for your bills.  Try microstock photography.

Though a relatively new concept, more and more photography enthusiasts are discovering the beauty of microstock photography.  These people do what they like to do, which is photography, and it can earn you some extra cash on the side.  This bonus income could help not only pay bills but also for other photography related matters like buying a new camera or other photography equipment.

Since the knowledge or awareness of microstock photography is not that common yet, here are some of the things you need to know:

Understanding The Concept Of Microstock Photography.  Microstock photography is an offshoot of the traditional stock photography.  The term also means micropayment photography.  While traditional stock photos with limited use usually cost hundreds of dollars, microstock photos cost much less.  Photo buyers who buy photos for personal and small business use, more often than not, would choose microstock photos because they are way more affordable.

With microstock photography, serious photographers and hobbyists alike can enter the stock photography market.  Anybody with quality materials and who is willing to sell images for less can upload them to various websites that accept microstock photography.  Microstock sites usually do not charge a fee to anybody who will post photos but all submitted photos are not automatically accepted.  These sites usually have a team that checks all the pictures submitted for technical quality and if they have commercial and artistic merit.

Getting Started With Microstock Photography.  It is not that difficult to start with microstock photography.  All you need are your basic photography equipment and some editing software.  Your digital SLR would be suitable for many kinds of microstock photos and you can use an editing program that can be had for free.

If you already have the basic gear, the next thing to do would be to take photographs that you would need for your initial application process to the microstock site.  It would be great if your subjects are marketable like those related to business, lifestyle, and other popular themes.  Put yourself in the shoes of photo buyers to determine that kind of photographs that they would be looking for and those that your intended market would need.  Just make sure that your photos do not contain trademarked or copyrighted subjects or objects.  If you use a model, make sure that your model signs a release before you post the photographs.

It would definitely be a good idea to visit the microstock sites you intend to post pictures in to have an insight of the kind of photographs they will buy from you.  You would then need to submit your photos for review and make sure that it follows the guidelines of the microstock site.

Earning Through Microstock Photography.  Though microstock photos are available at lower prices compared to traditional stock photos, you can still earn more if you upload more photographs to microstock sites.  The more you upload, the more you earn.  The earning potential here is limitless.  It all depends on how much time you are willing to spend on shooting and the number of photographs you upload.

If you are just starting out, start small then test the waters.  See what works best for you, given your present commitments and schedule.  Consider the amount of time that you can apportion to this endeavor.  Choose the option you are most comfortable with.

..hope that helps someone,

Ray Baker

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