To say that a commercial photo business is competitive is an understatement. In some cities, the cut-throat competition in this field is remarkable. It is not always talent that matters in a successful photography business. There are those who really have the talent but do not ‘make it’ while there are those who succeed with average talent.
One factor essential to success in a photography business is having the competitive edge. One way to have this edge is by branding your photography business. With a little creativity and lots of innovativeness (I think that’s a word), you can build your business in a way that is unique and distinct from the businesses usually found in the mainstream.
Branding your business is important if you want to set it apart from other similar businesses. This is what you should accomplish after building your skills, complete your business filing, and identifying your target market. Put yourself in the shoes of the target market and start brainstorming.
One unique way of branding your photography business is branding it with emotions. Here are some ideas you may want to consider in branding your business this way:
- Building Your Photography Business On Emotions. Emotions are a fact of life. Everybody goes through different emotions as they undergo different life experiences. You can use this very basic aspect of human existence, emotions, to relate to your clients and in branding your business.
Keep in mind, for example, your experience in having your photographs taken when you were young. You should then remember that many young people your age (then) don’t like their pictures because they believe that they don’t look good enough or that they are not photogenic. See the emotions that go along with this and you’ll find self-acceptance, rejection, and desire for personal beauty included in the gamut of emotions that characterize the these circumstances. You can then create a marketing idea for portraits of young people around these emotions and concepts.
Find the emotions of your target market. Work on it and around it. Most importantly, relate them to your marketing strategy.
- Developing Emotional Connection With Your Target Market. Emotions are common not only in the personal level but also in relationship between and among people. You can use this emotional connections and ties in your marketing plan to draw your target market to your photography business.
Emotions can be a great bridge to connect your business to your market base. Choose the right emotion to use to connect to your audience and this is largely determined by your audience themselves. If you are into portraits, like in the previous example, encouraging young people to embrace their individuality and break free from the pressure of stereotypes could be a good idea. Once you determine the emotional connection you want with your market, brand around it and craft your business accordingly.
- The Importance Of Relational Experiences. One potent tool in marketing is the word of mouth. If you exude genuine concern and care, you can build strong emotional ties with your client and they would, consequently, will want to have the same experience for their family or friends.
In whatever line of business, many companies create their brand from an experience. Whatever your professional fees may be, it is imperative to treat your clients as if they are more important than any other considerations. Not only will you be part of something emotionally rewarding, you will also be building your business at the same time.
Their good experience with you will make them go back to you time and again. They could even recommend your photography business to other people. Believe me – that’s what you want the most! If you create and brand your service through an exceptional emotional experience, you will surely enjoy brisk, rapid business growth.
I always include my course at the bottom of these articles via this link so you can get underway with your own photography customers when you’re ready.
I hope this of some use,
Ray Baker