Using the Rule of Thirds in Capturing Awesome Photos

rule-of-thirdsWhat makes a great photo? Well, to be quite honest, you can have the most expensive camera equipment money can buy and still come out with poor quality photos if you don’t know how to do it right. Capturing awesome images on camera can only be made possible if you know how to use proper lighting and composition techniques to your advantage. Enter rule of thirds!

Taking this into consideration, one of the most important composition techniques every aspiring photographer should learn about is the Rule of Thirds. So, what is it all about? Well, if you have seen the two vertical and two horizontal lines that run across your camera’s LCD screen, let me tell you that they are not there to annoy you. These lines are there for a reason.

The Rule of Thirds simply states that rather than putting you main subject at the very center of your frame, you should consider positioning it along the grid lines that runs across your camera’s LCD screen or at the points where these lines intersect. Studies show that the viewers’ attention automatically seeks these so-called power points so putting your subject along these areas will definitely work in your favor.

If you are still new to this, you can use your camera’s grid view to help you place your main subject where it should be. With constant practice, you’ll surely develop an eye for such things and you can start taking balanced and interesting photos even without using this grid.

Applying the Rule of Thirds can help you a lot in honing your skills as a budding photographer. So, the next time you take your camera out to shoot some photos, remember the Rule of Thirds. Always consider where you are intentionally placing your main point of interest to increase your chances of capturing some awesome images.

The Rule of Thirds can also be applied during post-production. If you feel you haven’t got it quite right during the actual shot, you can always crop and reframe your images so the end results will come up looking great.

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Hope this helps a little, keep well!

Ray Baker

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