Staying Fresh and Dynamic as a Professional Photographer

Confident, happy photographer
Confident, happy photographer

Photography can be an amazingly creative, fulfilling way to spend your time.  The art of capturing a moment or a scene forever is a challenge and it is a delight when you get it just right.  Photography comes easier for some than for others.  Even so, the most talented photographer must still follow certain paths in order to focus their photography and maximize its impact, as well as their ability to make a career out of it.

Although we all learn the fundamentals of photography in the early days of our hobbies and our careers, there are certain principles we should be reminded of every once in a while.  We do get rusty, especially if we have had a different focus for a while.  If we have focused on portrait photography for an extended period of time for example, we may need reminders of the principles of landscape photography.  If have focused on the business side of things and haven’t been behind a camera for a while, you will need little nudges and reminders on other forms of photography.  And there is always the new technology that has the potential to further revolutionize your photography.  Signing up to receive a regular photography magazine or for ezine access helps to keep your photography and your business skills sharp.

Photographers should always get their information from a variety of sources.  Most photographers have a library of books and magazines that have helped them in their journey towards professionalism.  These days, there are less clunky ways to stay up to date and these come in the form of digital information; ezines, etc.  Hearing stories from other photographers and getting great photography tips is priceless and will keep the work that you do fresh and exciting.

There are many photography concepts and principles that ezines will cover month to month as a matter of course.  From this, you will learn or be reminded of the important keys to photography including:

Penguin unsure of what it's seen..
Penguin unsure of what it has seen

The principles of:

  • Composition
  • Lighting
  • Focus
  • & more

If you are new to the profession of photography then you are most likely at a stage where you will want to soak up as much information as possible.  You will need to hear from and learn from the experience of more seasoned photographers.  Ezines are great sources of reliable information that is tried and tested.   Learn the following and more from them:

  1. How to improve as a photographer
  2. How to go from average/normal photos to absolutely stunning
  3. How to take photos that people can not take their eyes off

This is mainly accomplished by strengthening your photography in as many areas as possible.  Learning dynamic photography techniques will give you photos that are alive and captivating.  When you pair good composition with pictures that are in focus, you will move towards creating the kind of photographs that sell.  Learn from the best how to improve the focus and the sharpness of the photos you take and finally, get a handle on lighting.  Lighting can provide the greatest challenges for a photographer or it can be their best friend.  Learn how to read lighting and to get the right light every time.

A good ezine has photography articles that teach you how to:

  • Get perfect lighting
  • Achieve crystal, clear focus
  • Use dynamic composition

Once you have learned the technical basics of photography, you will need to learn logistical things like

Kiwi Mouse Manipulation Photo by
Kiwi Mouse Manipulation Photo by

which lenses to use, no matter what type of photography you are doing:

– Portraits

– Landscapes

– Taking subjects in poor lighting

– Etc.

Tutorials come in a variety of forms these days.  You can pick up a magazine or more conveniently access a good, informational photography web site or ezine.  When you sign up for digital information like ezines, you have the option of getting information in a variety of formats whether as written text, audio format and even video.  Getting information in various forms can be an extremely effective way of receiving and retaining information.

As a photographer, I am sure that you have seen photos that literally take your breath away.  In order to take great photos and to continue to take great photos, you need to maintain your focus as a photographer.  A regular subscription to a quality photography ezine could be the key to your focus and can make all of the difference in your career.

In our search (several months back, from the date of writing this) for an ezine that would be half decent, we were surprised to learn that someone already known to us (Amy Renfrey) had compiled the exact ezine we were hoping to find (well nothing is really exact) but you get my drift I’m sure.  We did come across many good eZines, some asking over $100US per month for less quality and quantity than I thought was good value for money. You can imagine my pleasure when Amy revealed her monthly fee for this informative photography eZine. Each issue has more to it than any other photography eZine we found.

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