Promote Your Photography Business with Social Media Marketing

promote photography businessIt is interesting to note that most photographers find marketing their business to be quite a challenge. However, with the rising popularity of social media, this clearly shouldn’t be the case anymore. Even amateur photographers now have the chance to develop a thriving income-generating business based on what they love most by harnessing the power of modern technology. So, how can social media marketing help you propel your photography business to greater heights? Here’s how it can.

Your colleagues and potential clients can all be found in one place. They usually hang out and interact with other people in popular social media sites such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and blogs. So, why don’t you go where they are and connect with them through these online social media sites? For all you know, these sites can help you build your brand, help you understand potential customers’ behaviors, allow you to grow your customer base and help you achieve customer loyalty. Sounds interesting? You bet it is!

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Harnessing the Power of Social Media Sites in Promoting Your Photography Business

If you are wondering how you can leverage the power of these individual social media networking sites to your advantage, here are some things you may want to consider:


Without a doubt, Facebook can be considered as one of the best social networking sites you should use in promoting your business. However, if you are planning in using this site to develop brand awareness, you need to provide more than just a collection of your best images. You need to go a little further and share interesting and useful content with your contacts.

With Facebook, the best thing that you can do is to create your own Facebook page to build your own community and use it to maintain a constant connection with your fans. Basically, you can use this site to post interesting news regarding your niche and your business, promote your most recent blog posts and provide a venue by which your fans can post their comments and/or reviews your latest works. Moreover, you can use Facebook ads (they are cheap and effective!) to promote your business to your chosen demographics.


Without a doubt, Twitter is one of the best social networking sites that you should use to promote your photography business. With Twitter, you have the power to reach a large number of people and this, in turn, will make you appear more accessible and approachable in the eyes of prospective clients. Does it get any better than this?

With Twitter, you can instantly share the best images from your photo shoot using a simple Twitter app, make friends with other professionals in your field by joining online communities, and possibly get your photos shared by others to their own personal networks. Now, are you starting to see how powerful this site can be?


Studies show that an average person spends at least 15 minutes of his time on YouTube every single day. Add that to the fact that this video sharing site gains more than two billion views per day and you get one powerful vehicle to launch and promote your photography business! So, go ahead and create your own channel right now and start posting some videos. If you are not quite sure on what videos you should upload, you may want to consider these ideas:

  • Create a video that showcases your photography skills and the services you offer. Take your viewers on a studio tour, on a location shoot or show them how you go about your work on a typical day. Tell them your story. All of these things can help you build your brand and establish your credibility as an expert in your niche.
  • Share some advice and useful tips regarding your craft.
  • Create a PowerPoint presentation using some of your best photos to show potential clients what you can do.

There are admittedly a lot of ideas that you can in promoting your photography business by using these social media sites so start thinking outside the box and let your creativity guide you. Don’t just take our word for it – try it so you can see how social media marketing will work for your business!

I always include my course at the bottom of these articles via this link so you can get underway with your own photography customers when you’re ready.

Start exploring the power of social media marketing for your photography business,

Ray Baker

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