Marketing Your Photography Business Through Facebook Pt.1

computers 060aThe social networking site Facebook is very popular all around the world nowadays.  People from all walks of life and from various age brackets sign up for a Facebook account so that they can get connected with friends and family and for a lot of other reasons.  

Aside from the need to get connected, Facebook has also been increasingly used as a marketing tool by a wide variety of businesses.  It has proven to be an effective tool for marketing purposes that more and more businesses are following suit.

If you are in the photography business, you can market your business through Facebook.  You can connect with clients and prospective clients through this social networking site.  You can post your portfolio for them to see and you can share various information about your business and a lot more.

Being on Facebook can be a competitive advantage for you when you are into business photography.  To tap the potentials that this can bring you, here are some few tips that you may want to bear in mind:

Info Tab.  You should really take seriously what you include in your Facebook account’s info tab.  This is because search engines pick up all the information that you include here.  So it is way much better for you to include the complete information about and your business and not to hold back important details.

It would certainly be nice if it looks and sound professional but humorous and fun at the same time.  If you have your own website, blog, and accounts in other similar networking sites like Flickr and Twitter, don’t forget to include them in your info tab.

Fan Page.  Go ahead and create yourself a fan page.  You can tap your family, friends, existing client base, and prospective clients to be your fans.  Spruce it up with a fantastic fan page picture.  Your fan page picture will speak volumes about you as a photographer and about the kind of work that you are capable of doing.

Add your nicest picture.  As you are a photographer, a picture of you with a camera would be a good choice.  You can have your business logo, if any, embedded in your picture to make it more professional looking.  Tell the world that you are professional photographer who knows your stuff well.

Photo Albums.  You’re in the photography business so you need to show off your pictures.  Your photo albums in your Facebook account are very important if you want to showcase your skills as a photographer.  You can display your sample portfolio here for clients and prospective clients to browse and appreciate.

You can even have people vote on their favorite photographs.  Their positive comments and testimonials would also be a good promotion for your photography business.  There are also various applications available in Facebook like FanAppz and Involver that you can maximize.

Videos.  If you have fantastic videos of your photo sessions, you can post them on Facebook.  This will enable your fans to see how you work during actual photo shoots.  They can get an idea of what happens behind the scenes so that they would know what to expect if they do decide to hire your services.

You can also make informative videos and make them entertaining while being educational at the same time.  Try to make it as relaxing and as humorous as possible.  You can have your videos posted not only in your Facebook but also in other sites like YouTube.  This would enable you to reach an even wider market for your photography business.

I always include my course at the bottom of these articles via this link so you can get underway with your own photography customers when you’re ready.

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