How to Use LinkedIn in Promoting Your Photography Business

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If you want to build relationships, promote your brand, sell your services and get valuable inspiration and feedback to take your photography business to the next level, then you definitely have to explore the wonderful possibilities that can be derived from using social media. So, why not take a look at what LinkedIn can give you? While it may not be as cool as Facebook and/or Twitter, using LinkedIn to promote your photography business certainly has its own perks.

Since this platform is mainly geared toward business professionals, using LinkedIn to promote your photography business can definitely help you expand your horizons. It can help you strike connections with people who can definitely help grow your business. So, how do you use LinkedIn to promote your photography business? Here are some ideas that can help you achieve your goals.

LinkedIn for Photographers: How to Wield Its Powers in Promoting Your Photography Business

Before you go about treating it as just another social media platform, you need to realize that LinkedIn is more of a platform that can help you take your business to the next level. You need to know that there are more than two million companies using LinkedIn (including Fortune 500 companies) and that its membership base is constantly growing.

You should also realize that aside from allowing you to make valuable business connections, using this platform can also help you establish your credibility in your field of expertise and help you grow your potential client base. Now, are you starting to see the big picture? Well, hopefully, you are.

Now that I have your undivided attention, here are some useful suggestions on how you can successfully grow your business through LinkedIn:

Put up an impressive profile. Think of your LinkedIn profile as your online resume. With this in mind, you should make sure that you provide specific details on who you have worked for and on what you have accomplished. Your profile can either make or break your chances of landing some future opportunities so you need to pay special attention in doing it.

Use recommendations to establish your credibility. With LinkedIn, you can make and receive recommendations from your contacts. This one is huge, considering how powerful word-of-mouth can be. In fact, LinkedIn claims that members with recommendations receive more inquiries through its internal search feature. So, what should you do to get recommendations? Well, perhaps one of the best ways to get one is to give one. Be generous in giving recommendations and you will most likely benefit from the process.

Use LinkedIn applications to set your profile apart from the rest. Make use of LinkedIn’s applications to create a more attention-grabbing profile. Consider using its apps to share your blog posts and/or your tweets from within your LinkedIn profile or use the SlideShare app to share presentations with your contacts. These are just some of the available apps in LinkedIn but I’m sure you get the idea.

Take a more active stance in the LinkedIn community. Try to participate more actively in the discussions in LinkedIn Answers. This will give you enough exposure to build your credibility and strike beneficial business connections.

Use InMail to reinforce your credibility with your contacts. To increase your chances of getting noticed, you should always approach your contacts using LinkedIn’s own InMail feature.

Use LinkedIn to land a gig. There are a lot of ways by which you can find possible gigs in LinkedIn. You can search for available jobs using the available job listings and through the groups that you have joined.

By joining LinkedIn, you are taking the first step toward propelling your business to the next level. Follow these tips and you can be sure that you can effectively promote your business, establish your brand and make a name for yourself – all through the power of LinkedIn. Would anyone shun that kind of opportunity? I guess not.

I always include my course at the bottom of these articles via this link so you can get underway with your own photography customers when you’re ready.

Use LinkedIn to promote your photography business the right way,

Ray Baker

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