How To Avoid Blurred Pictures

sscbWhether you are a professional photographer or just dabbling with photography as a hobby, chances are, you have encountered the dilemma of getting blurred pictures.  This could be quite frustrating if the shot is very important or if it is of a rare moment that you only have the chance to capture once in a blue moon.

Whether it is a picture of your child’s first steps or of a very rare annular eclipse that got blurred, it is very difficult, if not impossible, for that rare moment or chance to come again.  Blurring in pictures is brought about by shaking or swaying of the hands that holds the camera.

For those who want to want to embark on the endeavor of professional photography, getting blurred pictures is a big no-no.  For budding photographers, professional or not, getting blurred photographs is a challenge that needs to be overcome.

With the advent of digital cameras equipped with automatic settings, many people think that basic lessons in digital photography are not needed anymore.  This is a misconception as the chance of getting blurred pictures is compounded by the fact that many digital cameras are very light and there is a big probability that it could be easily shaken or swayed when you take a shot.

Digital cameras make improved flexibility possible but there are also downsides like the increased likelihood of getting blurred pictures.  So here are some tips to avoid blurring of your digital pictures.

Your Stance Is Important.  When shooting pictures, there are a lot of positions depending on your subject.  You can stand, sit, kneel, or lay down to get a better focus and to get the best shot of your subject.

Whatever the position, your stance is very important.  It should be steady and stable so as to avoid any shaking or wobbling that could cause blurring in your pictures.  If you are standing, make sure that you are on level ground and that your feet are shoulder width apart.  You can also seek support by leaning to a tree or a wall, if available.

As much as possible, do not hold your camera at arm’s length as this could cause shaking or swaying of your camera.  If you are using a digital camera with an LCD screen, your camera should be at most 12 inches from your face to enable you to see your shot clearly while maintaining stability.  Try to maintain your elbows to be close to your sides.

Hold Your Camera Correctly.  The way you should hold your camera depends largely on the kind of camera that you have and what your dominant hand is.  Your grip must also be firm yet comfortable.

As a general rule, it is best if you hold your digital camera with your right forefinger on the top edge.  Your thumb must then be placed on the back of the camera firmly and the rest of your fingers should then be around the front.  Also make sure that none of your fingers will obstruct the lens.

Your left hand must be placed around the lens and must support the weight of your camera.  This is especially helpful if your gear is a DSLR digital camera.  You can also support your camera firmly if your left hand is along the camera’s bottom edge.  This also allows you to have a more stable grip when taking pictures.

Use A Tripod.  If you still keep on getting blurred digital photos despite the first two tips, maybe you should try using a tripod.  This would provide the stability that your hands can’t give but your camera needs.  There are many tripods out there in the market that comes at various styles and prices.  There are also portable types that you could easily bring to any location.

If you’re seeking more advanced techniques, Amy can lead you along the right path with photographic technique and application. You’ll learn more at her site.

stay focussed,

Ray Baker

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