Essential Marketing Tips for Photographers

marketing tips for photographersIf you are desperately looking for ways to market yourself and your work as a professional photographer but just don’t have any ideas on what you should do to make it happen, then this article is for you. You don’t have to remain stuck in a marketing rut while all your contemporaries are raking in good money from their business. You can definitely get a piece of the action and claim your share of the pie by applying some marketing tips that are guaranteed to work. If you’re ready to get started, then let’s get the ball rolling.

Marketing Tips for Boosting Your Photo Business

If you want to get more clients, the best thing for you to do is to complement traditional marketing methods with some cost-effective modern internet marketing methods. How do you do it? Here are some tips to get you started on the right path:

Getting More Clients Using the Traditional Way. If you want to give your photography business a much needed boost by using traditional marketing methods, you may want to give these tips a try:

Offer your services for free at local charity or non-profit events. By doing this, you are not only getting yourself out there where your prospective clients are.

You are also helping a good cause – and that can bring some very good business results. Just make sure you bring a lot of business cards to hand out to prospective clients and you’ll do just fine.

Give discount cards to encourage repeat business. You can also offer your existing clients some additional incentives to pass these discount cards to their friends and relatives. Remember, a happy client will always come back to do more business with you!

Give more than what your clients expect. Aside from giving every client the best quality work that you can deliver, you can also consider giving them some extra bonus prints and a handwritten note to say how much you enjoyed working with them. You can also consider giving them some small gifts or a couple of low resolution images that they can upload and share on their favorite online networking sites. They will appreciate the gesture and you will have another venue to get the word out about your business. It’s really a win-win solution!

Leave business cards at public places. If you haven’t tried leaving your business cards at local restaurants, bookstores, gyms and other such establishments, well, it’s high time for you to consider doing so.

Using the Internet to Give Your Business a Boost

If you don’t use the internet to get clients, you are giving away your business to your competition. Since you surely wouldn’t want this to happen, here are some tips that you can use to get more clients using the internet:

Get a professionally-designed website to showcase your portfolio. If you don’t have the technical expertise to design your own website, hire a professional to do it. Remember, this will serve as your online storefront so don’t scrimp on it. And while we’re on the topic of having your own website, you should also consider optimizing your site. If you don’t know the first thing about

SEO, consider hiring a pro to do it for you. Establish your online presence on Facebook. You can use Facebook for your business in a number of ways. You can choose to run some Facebook ads to reach potential clients and use Facebook Fan Page to interact with your clients more effectively.

Set your business profile up on Google Places and Yelp. If you want prospective clients in your locality to find you, then you should really consider listing your business on these two sites. Now, if you want to improve your reputation, ask satisfied clients to write some reviews. Do this and you’ll give your business a significant boost!

These simple and time-tested tips will help you get your name out there so act on it right now. You’ll never regret it!

I always include my course at the bottom of these articles via this link so you can get underway with your own photography customers when you’re ready.

I hope this article can help you bring more business to the table,
Ray Baker

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