Choice: A selection of photography subjects, tips & techniques begins here for free

I knew this would also get everyone’s attention and yes so far everyone likes it. I don’t want you to pay for these tips but so you can get this specific Photography information you will need to register properly.

Over the ensuing weeks we will add extra types of Photography tips and guidelines (see the list below) easily available for you for free.

As I mentioned earlier I’m gradually expanding through the other subjects over the next few weeks. I’ll make sure I alert you to there availability as I progress.

There will be about 5 or 6 articles given to you free
(one each day).

**You will also be able to upgrade and download more in-depth, helpful information on each subject where I can provide access to it (which will be in most cases).

At the end of each email sequence you will be able to switch to another Photography mode on this list (below) or simply unsubscribe if you are happy with what you’ve learned by then.

Please understand you can only be on one list at a time but you will have the option to see and get involved in all of them.

As mentioned earlier, this list of Photography subjects will be extended each week and they’re all free articles.

They are in no particular order so start with the one most important to you!

Here are the growing batches of Photography tips, skills and techniques to register for:

– Learn all about Photography customers – available now

This sequence of emails has been provided to help you understand Photography sales and marketing. if we are to open a photography business without going broke and losing all the money we’ve struggled to make and invest in the business we have to know and understand how to get customers. That’s NOT all. We also need to understand how to keep them so they come back to us and recommend us to others. This is crucial to your success! … and it’s my favourite area of photography. I’m better at this than I am at taking shots. You can do this too. You just need to know what to do. During the email sequence I’ll also introduce you to an advanced source of info and recommend you consider it carefully. Don’t be a cheap minded numb-skull and just glean over it… Instead think what it can help you do and then make a decision. First check some of the articles until you know you’re ready to do just that! There’s a link in all of them to take you to the advanced level – that should be your goal!

This is where you sign up for the Photography Customer articles:

Stock Photography tips and how to make money from it available now

This helpful batch of emails provides tips and techniques to learn and consider if you want to get involved in selling stock Photography. Some photographers make a decent living from this while others flounder because they just ‘don’t get it’! You can sign up on the landing page and (as per usual) you will be asked to confirm your email address – that’s important for your security and to ensure you get all the goodies 🙂

This is where you go to register for Stock Photography:

– Wedding Photography and how to get started – available now

As before this sequence of emails is been provided to help you with Wedding Photography … and many different types of Wedding Photography too. In my opinion Wedding Photography can be the most profitable. You just need to know what to do. I will also introduce you to an advanced source of info and recommend you consider it carefully. Don’t be a cheap minded duffer and just glean over it… Instead think what it can help you do and then make a decision. First check the articles until you know you’re ready!

This is where you sign up for the Wedding Photography articles:

– Learn Photography tips, tricks and techniques – available now

Like always this sequence of emails has been provided to help you with your Photography skills. In this instance to become a better photographer with enhanced skills and techniques. You just need to know what to do. I will also introduce you to an advanced source of info and recommend you consider it carefully. Don’t be a cheap minded numb-skull and just glean over it… Instead think what it can help you do and then make a decision. First check the articles until you know you’re ready to do just that!

This is where you sign up for the Photography tips and tricks articles:

Later I’ll provide more free info on these Photography subjects as I mentioned:

– Portraiture- coming soon

– Posing- coming soon

– Using Photoshop tips and tricks- coming soon

– Backdrops- coming soon

– Photoshop Brushes- coming soon

– Children Photography- coming soon

– Baby photography- coming soon

– Macro Photography- coming soon

Keep your eyes pealed for more later.

…stay focused,
Roy Barker
PS. Need more coffee once more (a growing addiction I’m afraid 🙂

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