Christmas, Holiday, Winter and Vacation Photography Tips

KookaburrasI guess that title about covers it. Of course in Australia right now it’s a pleasant 38 degrees celcius or roughly 106 degrees fahrenheit. There’s no breeze and the kookaburras are laughing through the window at me. Beads of perspiration are running down my forehead and are sprinkling across my keyboard as I plug away with stumpy, less than attractive fingers to pass these tips over to you.

I’m headed straight to the fridge after I finish this one!

These photography tips are of course for winter, vacation activities and Christmas lights  displayed across many countries around the globe at this time of year. I’m guessing you have been guilty of forgetting your camera at one or two of these events which occur over this period so I thought I’d highlight a few articles on this site which may be of help and/or a reminder.

Before we get started, here are a few small but high priority pointers on the subject of photos not to forget to take. You’ll catch my drift as you glean over them.

Snowman looking so cool ...sorry!
Snowman looking so cool ...sorry!
  • During this period don’t be afraid of arranged photos
  • Get close when taking pictures (often)
  • If it’s going to be memorable take a whole swag of shots
  • Xmas preparation shoots are a real opportunity – don’t over look these!
  • Dump the poor pictures fast and move on
  • Be prepared (don’t treat this one like a grain of salt)

Those points (above) are lightweight in comparison to the techniques you should consider so make sure you check these articles (below) for the fair-dinkum meaty tips.

  1. I am often asked about taking pictures of lights during Christmas. Amy put this article together some time ago but it’s a little ripper so I’ve included it for those interested in Christmas lights photography.
  2. Now as winter is occuring in the northern hemisphere where it is enviably cool right now, I’ve included a winter photography tips article.
  3. Equally important at this time is a little knowledge of vacation photography.
  4. Someone once said to me after drinking a few beers (at Christmas) that there was no difference between a vacation and a holiday. That said, I’ve included another article on creative holiday photos.

Although this article is brief, the real nitty gritty is in the article links above. Enjoy!

Now what’s the quickest route to the fridge? 🙂

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