Photography Business Cards – Why Every Photographer Needs It

Yes, times are tough and the economy has virtually turned itself upside down but this isn’t reason enough for you to start scrimping on one of the best tools that can help grow your photography business – your business card. All things taken into consideration, this is absolutely the perfect time to flaunt your creativity by using beautifully designed business cards to represent your business!

Business cards are a lot like book covers. The more attractively designed their covers are, the more you want to check them out and buy them, right? And that is exactly the same effect your business cards can have on your prospective clients. The more attractive your business cards are, the more you will be perceived as an unparalleled professional in your field, and the more likely your prospects will do business with you! So, would you rather scrimp or go for it? It’s your choice.

Designing Your Business Card

If you are convinced that a business card can help make or break your business and would like to know more on how you can come up with great business cards, you may want to take these things in consideration:

Get to know your target market. Before designing your business card, you must first consider the niche you are working on and the type of market you want to go for. Remember, your business cards will serve as one of your primary marketing tools so it must accurately reflect your services. As such, if you’re doing business on Etsy, you may want to go for business cards designed with some handmade details thrown in for good measure. On the other hand, if you’re going for more sophisticated markets, you may want to consider a sleeker, more polished look.

Choose the best image. If you want to include an image in your business card, choose one that best represents your business. If you are into food photography, consider using mouth watering food photos. If you’re into pet photography, consider flaunting your best pet photos. If you are a wedding photographer, show off your best wedding shots. You get the idea.

Use the most appropriate font. While it may seem insignificant, the style and size of font you use is really one of the most important details you need to consider in designing your business card. It may spell the difference between gaining and losing prospective clients along the way. For best results, always use fonts that are simple and easy to read – think Sans Serif, Arial, Helvetica, Justus and Times New Roman. To create a sleeker, more modern look, consider Steiner, Geo Sans Light and Myndraine.

Maintain a certain level of quality and craftsmanship. If you feel confident that you can satisfactorily design and execute your own business cards, then by all means, go for it. After all, making your cards yourself can save you a lot of money. Just make sure you make it as good as it can be to attract new business. If you’re not that competent to pull it off, then hire somebody else to do it for you. Remember, you are doing this to impress new clients, not scare them off.

Make sure your card stands out from the rest. Let’s face it, competition is fierce. There are other professional photographers out there who are on the lookout for new clients. So, do your best to make your card stand out from all the rest. It’s the best way to get noticed!

Your business card can say a lot about you and the quality of services you provide. So, give it your best shot! The rewards are truly well worth all your efforts. I hope this post has opened your eyes on the possibility of using business cards to grow your photography business.

I always include my course at the bottom of these articles via this link so you can get underway with your own photography customers when you’re ready.

Here’s to better profits ahead,

Ray Baker

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