Are SLR’s The Holy Grail of Digital Cameras?

Do SLRs Lead The Pack When It Comes to Digital Cameras?

When you talk about SLR digital cameras, some people still aren’t quite sure what you’re saying, while others know the power behind the small, digitized, photo-capturing tool. Continue on in this article to obtain a better idea of SLR digital cameras and light sensors in general.

Photographers and consumers agree on the idea of coming into a new age for photography. Less than 10 years ago, people were ecstatic about the introduction of digital cameras, as a way to replace buying rolls of film in bulk. Today, the advances in photographic technology amaze the general, consumer public. It seems as though we’ve moved through 50 years in a period of 10. Several consumers may benefit from the advances in technology through a more lively photographic experience.

We’re not really here to discuss the cutting edge of photographic tools. We’re here to discuss the types of cameras consumers purchase in modern society and how SLR digital cameras stand above the average capabilities of their marketing counterparts.

It’s tough to pin point if consumer demand of higher quality pictures came first or if SLR cameras introduced a much better quality world of photography to consumers and now they demand nothing less. Really, it doesn’t matter all that much, especially since photographers all over the world are having to upgrade to cameras with higher shutter speeds, faster reload times, wider range in apertures, faster flash capabilities, raised burst modes and overall higher quality pictures in the end result. In order to meet consumer demand, today, photographers are finding they either need to shift up in quality or shift out of the business.

SLR cameras start increasing the end quality of the picture through the APS sensors. This allows more photons of light to penetrate on a digital camera with higher-grade pixel capacity.

You can see the difference in quality of photographs rendered with an 8-megapixel digital camera on the scale of a large or small sensor. Small sensors will produce an added amount of noise when rendered with increased ISO. Large sensors will produce the finest quality photographs with similar settings.

SLR digital cameras have APS sensors. Capturing a picture at ISO 400 with a larger sized APS sensor will not accompany resolution noise; whereas, most other digital cameras produce increased noise levels at ISO 400 settings.

The order of largest to smallest sensors correlates with DSLR cameras as being the top of the list, moving on to prosumer cameras, and last but not least, point and shoot digital cameras at the bottom of the list.

SLR cameras offer lens adjustments and light editing, APS features to allow the photographer added control over the rendered photographic image. Digital camera producing companies make headway with advances in sensors to the lowest quality cameras, such as point and shoot. Better photographs ultimately mean these advances will soon accompany higher control features on almost all digital cameras. Consumers demand higher shutter speeds, control over aperture features, and higher capabilities in lens adjustments to produce higher quality images. DSLR and SLR cameras provide consumers with demanded features and higher levels of control. After purchasing such a digital camera, it would be hard to fathom returning to any old fashioned, photo-capturing device.

Enjoy photographing your digitally enhanced world.Did you know you can get instant access to more down-loadable technical knowledge (which is definitely worth a visit) at Digital Photography Success.

Happy shooting,
Amy Renfrey

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