Photography Business Tip Suggestion No.1


Confident, happy photographer

Some Tips on How to Run a Photography Business

Many “greenies” look for a photography business tip or two and often do not have a clue as to where to look for their first gig. Some overeager photographers go right for the gold with marketing campaigns and advertisement organizations before they’ve strengthened their base concepts of taking photographs. Of course, it’s not feasible to produce many amateur photographs on this level and still be taken seriously. Fresh photography business associates should try to obtain jobs on a much smaller scale in order to have sufficient learning time and less reprimand for common beginner mistakes. You should always be sure you’re ready to make photography a full-time, profitable career before engaging yourself. Most people just need a few good solid tips to get them rolling. That said, this video has more than a few.

Here’s something I did in my early day’s you can try. Try to meet these 6 Criteria Below?

a. The business you are considering must actually have enough income to sustain purchasing your photographic services. There’s just no real point to working for free.

b. The potential customers must be comfortable about how they will appear, while being photographed on the spot.

c. Your photographs will have more value to the customer, if you captured a moment of meaning between them and their clients, family or close friends.

d. Are there locations nearby where you can provide a photography service on a nightly, weekly or monthly basis?

e. Does the restaurant (or business) have a ready cashflow element to it?

f. Do you think the potential customers will want your services again or may order a special package of their pictures (on-going business opportunity)?

Most amateur photographers wouldn’t even think of stopping into a restaurant to initiate some of their first photographic opportunities. However, this is where photographers can begin learning and working or pick up in the slow times. Local restaurants provide some of the best venues for “greenie” business endeavors. In fact, some photographers continue with it, cause’ they like it.

An Amateur’s Opportunity Jackpot

When entering a local restaurant for the prospect of obtaining business, make sure to ask the owner for permission to discuss photographing their customers. After you’ve obtained permission, head to the nearest table and see if the couple, trio or group would like their picture taken.

Present your prospective customers with a 2 to 3 page folder displaying real photographic sample images along side the price you’ll be charging for your service.

If you’ve established a good relationship with the business owner, you’re likely to have a consistent variant in people per week to consider as prospective customers. Most restaurants have repeat business, but the new business prospects are just as frequent.

6 Tips You’ll Want to Get Familiar With

1. Dress to impress. Never over do it but consider your clientele and how they would like to be presented with an opportunity to have their picture taken. Keep in mind your impression on the business owner and his clientele. He/she will not want to take a risk. So present yourself well.

2. The restaurant owner will likely be much more supportive, if you offer him a commission, they may even help you with small gestures of support with their diners.

3. You and the restaurant owner could both profit from the idea of a customer collage somewhere in the restaurant. Prospective business will view the fun times previous customer’s enjoyed and will most likely want to come back again, while you, the photographer can catch the “I want to be in the collage, too!” wave.

4. Try and keep your list of restaurants you’ll provide photography services to at a minimum.

5. Young and older couples will be more receptive to the idea of having their picture taken. Next on the list of prospective customers will be groups of friends or family sittings. People sitting by themselves for business or pleasure very often will not be interested in your services.

6. Most couples or families will have the money with them because, after all, they’re out to eat. Some will require you to produce the pictures before payment. You can remedy this issue by posting photographs to a website and letting the clients come and order them as often as they desire. If you don’t have time to build a website, you can always send samples via email or USPS.

The Necessary Items to Remember

I. Present yourself as an asset to the owner; do not cause any undue disturbances in the restaurant.

II. Print off some business cards to hand off to the customer’s you’ve taken pictures of during the evening. It’s best not to waste your business cards on people denying your services.

III. Ensure the business owner gets a commission from your profits when clients are referred to you through their venue. Consider offering 15% for referred customers and 10% for shoots in the restaurant.

We’ve just touched the tip of the iceberg here. You can create your business opportunity from the tips I’ve just given you and run with that for awhile.

I always include my course at the bottom of these articles via this link so you can get underway with your own photography customers when you’re ready.

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