5 Essential Photography Business Choices To Consider

Photography BusinessThis photography business article has been compiled from five articles of mine to consolidate some of the opportunities that are available for you to make money from photography. You may already be up and running which deserves congratulations. However, if you’re not, I can’t force you to take action but take heed; Do nothing and nothing will happen! – Ray Baker

That’s my own quote I’ve taken from my grandmother but here are some other more famous inspirational quotes;

* The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams
Eleanor Roosevelt (USA)

* It is hard to experience failure, but it is worse never trying to succeed
Theodore Roosevelt (USA)

* It’s not enough that we do our best; sometimes we have to do what’s required
Sir Winston Churchill (England)

* One who fears failure limits his activities. Failure is only the opportunity to more intelligently begin again
Henry Ford (USA)

1. Profit from Wedding Photography.

Everyone wants to capture their special day with photography. Weddings are
one of those occasions where everyone expects a high degree of professionalism, quality, and everlasting shots. There are numerous opportunities for photographers to make money in this field of photography if you are prepared to cover weddings.

It is crucial that for wedding photography you have a contract. You do not need to be sued for a breach of contract on your first big job. Research sample wedding contracts at your local library and remember to include a disclaimer. Disclaimers should clearly protect you from such things as equipment failure, when not caused by the operator, and misplaced film, if you are not using digital equipment.

2. Profit from Stock Photography.

“Stock Houses or Stock Libraries” are the most reliable sources to access “Stock Photos” on the internet. Usually, they are all based on the same system, where the photographer submits their work to the stock library. Interested parties like advertising agencies, publishers, and travel brochure companies then purchase the shots. If you are just starting out or are a free-lance photographer, this is a fantastic way of marketing your work. This way of marketing saves your invaluable time for taking more photos or making up your portfolio. Another advantage is that with this system you do not need a network of contacts. This system is also perfect fot those who have no inclination to perfect their skills in marketing.

The negative side to this form of photographic marketing is that it is a “number’s game”. The more photos you submit, the more photos you can potentially sell. After submitting your photos, most libraries will then spend up to many months re-captioning your shots to fit their formats before they go online. Many stock libraries insist on minimum contracts, usually two years, due to the fact that it can take months to get your work up online. Although the “number’s game” is perceived as rudimentary marketing, in this instance it can work really well as potential buyers may look over all your work if they spy one of your images they really admire. You can read more on Stock Photography here.

3. Profit from Pet Photography.

Pet photography may have started out as a hobby for enthusiastic owners of horses, cats, dogs, birds, and fish to while away time and to record happy memories of their loyal companions, but has now emerged into a lucrative niche for photographers. Pet photography is now a specialist business aimed at taking candid and splendid shots of animals. Specialized pet photography studios are now catering to this fad and opening up everywhere.

Pet photography can be extremely lucrative and a successful business. Low investment costs with reasonable to high incomes combined with the options of full time, part time or working from home can make this a very attractive way to earn money with your camera.

4. Profit from a Full Service Photography Business.

It has never been easier to convert your absorbing hobby into a profitable photography business. You do need to be aware, however, that you do have to do more than point your camera and press. Your marketing technique is important. In this instance, marketing entails moving ownership of a product, your photos, from a buyer to a seller. Look out for any areas of photography not available in your local vicinity. Be aware of the pricing of your competitors. While undercutting your opposition may be tempting, be mindful to factor in your overheads and also your skill values into your pricing.

Define what you want to achieve and utilize your skills to your best advantage by writing a business plan. Having a business plan will allow you to outline your strategies and goals. A business plan will make it easier to keep your focus on the niches you wish to succeed at. A business plan will be altered and revised over time, but will help you with your perspective. Business plans are great to refer back to when things become overwhelming. Business plans are totally individual, making everyone’s different. All good business plans do have common factors contained in them which enable business growth. Business plans allow you to become more professional, aiding you to enlarge your income and assisting you in financing your business.

5. Profit from Portrait Photos.

Portrait photography marketing opportunities are now enormous. Everyone in your local area wants a professional photo of themselves for some reason. This is an industry where the potential for repeat business is significant. Parents are now having family and children portraits on a much more regular basis than in the past.

Portrait photography can be very simply initiated from your own home. This is great because you do not have to work outdoors in poor weather and less than favourable lighting conditions. You will require relatively modest equipment to begin with. This includes a camera, tripod, good lenses, several lights and various cloths for backdrops. Additionally, all this equipment is not too cumbersome to move around if you are required to change the photographic venue.

In portrait photography, the most important rule to remember is no extraneous clutter. The focal part of the portrait is of the person, or the group, and there should not be any visual distraction. You will have to be able to maintain control of the group and guide the subject, this will entail a level of self-confidence. An example of this would be ensuring that in a formal shot of a number of children none of them are poking funny faces when you press the shutter.

Posing is an under valued essential element of portrait photography. Excellent portraits are totally reliant on the correct pose. Being able to guide your subject through different poses is invaluable. Based on culture, age, product, gender, etc posing can become an ongoing learning process.

Posing is such a critical and thorough subject that I have supplied you access to this down loadable guide, which will be invaluable if you want to succeed in this niche, improve your subject posing.

Here are some words of wisdom; don’t rush in to any niche of photography if your goal is to make money from it. Read up on it. Make sure you plan it. Read up on it again from a different source. This way, if you see things that have been mentioned a couple of times from different sources, you’ll know they are reasonably important. Ask questions.

You’re welcome to leave some comments below, in fact, I encourage it. Maybe you know of some other areas where people can pursue a photography business – if so, let’s hear them. That’s the only way I can know what you think and it allows me to improve where I can. I need to know that these articles are worthwhile.

…keep focused,

Ray Baker

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