Video Marketing; The Up and Coming Way to Market your Photography Business

Photography video marketing: image

Video marketing is being used everywhere you look on the internet.  It is the new advertising craze, and it appears to be working.  It is currently growing by the day to be the front runner method for on-line marketing.  It can be used to sell products, services, messages and so much more.  Just about every niche can easily take advantage of this powerful marketing tool.  Video marketing is truly a fast and efficient way to promote whatever it is you are looking to sell, including photography.  Let’s take a look at how you can use video marketing to promote your photography products and services.

Producing Your Photography Marketing Video:  The first step in video marketing is to actually make the video.  In doing this, there are some key things to keep in mind.  The first and most important is that the human attention span is short.  In fact, let’s face it, we are all busy and easily distracted.  You are going to want to keep your video quick, relevant and to the point.  Keeping the video to two minutes or less is the general rule of thumb.  You will need to use this time wisely.  In the two minutes you will need to entice the customer with your products and services.  After all, you want them to purchase from you and not look elsewhere.

In producing your video you simply have two choices.  You can either hire someone to do the work or to do it yourself. If you choose the second option know that there are programs available to help you.  No matter which way you choose you will want to follow these tips to creating a successful video.

  1. Choose a catchy title with a strong keyword or phrase.  This will draw viewers in and allow for higher SEO ranking.
  2. Make sure the video is interesting and relevant.  If it is boring you will lose viewers very quickly.  Adding an entertainment value especially humor can often work to draw in viewers.
  3. Make the viewer believe you are only speaking to them.  Be passionate and make sure they can relate to what your message is.
  4. Create urgency.  Let the viewer know why they need to take action now.  Offering a special that they can’t turn down is one simple way to do this.
  5. Ask for their contact information. Allow the viewer to opt in to receiving more information from you in the future.
  6. Always include a link back to your website.  You of course want them to come and purchase your products and services.

Here’s another article which explains what to look for if you decide to utilize video marketing for your portfolio or wedding and portrait shoots.

Make Money by Marketing Your Video:   Now that you have your video made, the next step is to market it.  The great news here is that they are lots of resources right at your finger tips.  Be sure to submit your video to multiple social networking sites like YouTube, Yahoo Videos, and Google Videos.  Make sure when posting you use your title and video description.  Your video description should be SEO optimized.   Once you have posted your videos, your work is still not complete.  You will now need to get people to actually watch it! Simply put, without viewers, your video is worthless.

You will want to use every means available to get traffic to your video.  You of course can do this in a variety of ways.

  • Promoting your video on your website.
  • Promoting your video on your blog or even posting on relevant blogs with a link to your video can be beneficial.
  • Article Marketing.  Be sure to post a link to your video.
  • Having viewers refer others.  This is a great way to get traffic.  Simply ask others to send the link to their friends and family members.

In conclusion, video marketing is the up and coming way to market yourself and your business on line.  Whether you business is in Photography or another niche, video marketing seems to be a sure bet.

Just about anyone can make an income from video marketing; you just need to follow the tips provided in this article.  So give it a try.  After all you have nothing to lose and only customers and a nice profit to gain.

I always include my course at the bottom of these articles via this link so you can get underway with your own photography customers when you’re ready.

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