Being a parent presents you with endless opportunities to practice and master your craft at newborn and baby photography. After all, your best subject is right there with you night and day, right? So, all you need to do is to learn how you can further improve your techniques to capture the best baby portraits you can ever dream of. Lets talk about photographing babies!
If you are not quite sure that you know how to do it right, you will surely appreciate going through today’s post. We have prepared some useful tips that can help you capture stunning newborn and baby photographs on camera.
How to get started Photographing Babies
There’s no doubt about it – photographing babies can be a lot of fun. To make sure you get stunning photos from Day 1, you may want to consider these simple yet effective tips.
Find the best angles. Finding the best angles to shoot from is perhaps one of the greatest challenges anyone must have to face in photographing newborns. With all the bumps, marks and other small imperfections your little bundle of joy came home with, finding a flattering angle can really be quite difficult, don’t you agree? Well, difficult as it may be, you can find some flattering angles to shoot from by getting down on their level and by shooting extreme close ups or nursed shots. The possibilities are really quite endless!
Show some skin. Your baby’s skin wouldn’t stay as soft and as smooth as it is today so consider shooting him in his birthday suit. Just cover his private parts with a blankie or pose him in a way that his private parts won’t show and you are good to go.
Consider going macro. No one can deny it – babies are extremely cute! Aside from their innocent little faces, you may also consider zooming in on their other body parts. Macro shots focusing on their hands, feet, ear and mouth can make for interesting portraits that you can cherish for life.
Find the best time to shoot. While babies don’t smile a lot during the first few days of their lives, there are times when they look especially content and peaceful. Identify those times and shoot to your heart’s desire. You’ll surely come up with some amazing photos that way.
Utilize natural light whenever possible. Using natural light produces the best results since it makes your favorite subject glow naturally. So, find the perfect spot in your house. A room that offers soft, subtle light will suit this purpose quite well. However, if you feel you need to use your flash, make sure to bounce it off a wall or the ceiling to prevent blinding your baby.
Consider going black and white. Have you ever considered converting your baby’s photos to black and white images? Well, you definitely should! More than just giving you some unique and timeless images, converting images to black and white also soften the effect of the shot and helps reduce the little imperfections your baby came home with.
Take a lot of shots. Don’t hesitate to take a lot of pictures. After all, you will surely want luck to shine on you and allow you to get that perfect shot, right? Remember, the more shots you take, the higher your chances of capturing awesome photos. It’s really that simple so click on!
Always be ready. To increase your chances of capturing that perfect shot, always keep your camera in the same place at all times. You wouldn’t know when your baby will show or do something that is worth capturing, right? So, always keep your camera handy. You’ll be glad if you do!
These simple yet effective tips can surely help you with photographing babies and increase your chances of capturing the best shots ever! So, are you ready to put these tips into action? You should!
I hope you find today’s article quite interesting,
Ray Baker